Big Bamboo Jamaican Irish Moss Drink, 9.8 fl oz



"Have you had your Big Bamboo?" Big Bamboo Irish Moss Drink is a classic Jamaican beverage. Across the Caribbean, Irish moss is hailed as a wonder seaweed, touted for its abilities to moisturize, vitalize, and, most notably, increase male libido. Brought by Irish immigrants to Jamaica, the red algae is packed with nutrition—10 percent protein and 15 percent mineral matter. Irish moss now appears on the island’s rocks. Jamaicans will wash the moss, boil it with milk, then add vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. But the most important ingredient is produced by the moss itself: an extract called carrageenan. A natural thickener, carrageenan is what provides the Jamaican Irish moss drink’s signature viscosity, which is not only thick but a little gluey.

It should be noted that there is little to no scientific support backing a correlation between the algae and sexual prowess, but Irish moss does have plenty of other legitimate benefits. Studies show it fights against varicose veins, dysentery, certain ulcers, and even tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Big Bamboo Irish Moss Vanilla Drink and Big Bamboo Irish Moss Peanut Drink offer a convenient way to enjoy  the Irish Moss Jamaicans and Caribbean people love in a can.

Product of Jamaica.